Community advisory feedback session on landscape and recreation

On December 8, 2021, icona hosted a community advisory feedback session at the Westwood Plateau Golf Course. The session, which included a light meal and refreshments, was open to all Anmore residents who RSVP’d.  

The purpose of the session was to share ideas and seek feedback on the themes of landscape architecture and opportunities for recreation, leisure and social connection in Anmore. These elements are integral to the themes that were identified as priorities by the Anmore community during previous workshops and interactive showcase events. These priority themes include “nature,” “wellness,” “family,” “accessibility,” “art, culture and garden,” “sustainability” and “gathering spaces.” 

Presenters at the event included Brian Johnston and Rasmus Astrup. 

Brian Johnston is the principal of RC Strategies, the foremost Canadian expert in recreation and a true pioneer in the field of community services. Brian’s 50-year career in facilities and recreational consulting spans a staggering 1,600 recreational and cultural projects for 600 communities across Western Canada. 

Rasmus Astrup is a landscape architect, design principal and partner at SLA, an internationally renowned nature-based design studio headquartered in Copenhagen. Astrup has worked on innovative global projects that showcase native flora and fauna, and is a panelist and keynote speaker for the World Urban Forum. 

Both speakers shared their expertise with the audience, touching on some of the environmental and recreational options that have the potential to enhance the lives of Anmore residents. They also fielded questions and collected ideas and input from the audience.  

We thank everyone who took part in the session. By bringing together world-leading experts and the people who know the Anmore community best, we know we can create something extraordinary.  

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